Discover a new world of varieties

Your digital tool for mapping and sharing crop variety data.

Welcome to VarScout

VarScout is designed to record the location of where specific crop varieties are being grown. These variety observations contribute to creating a publicly available, searchable database that displays where each crop variety is being cultivated.


VarScout allows people to track the growth of crop varieties and helps create a global variety map.


Use your phone or PC web browser to enter variety observation records for the crops growing nearby.


Explore the variety map to see what crops and varieties have been added by the community.

Discover your role in 
advancing agricultural knowledge

Learn more about variety adoption at both a local and global scale.
Extension workers and farmers can track where varieties are planted in their region, while researchers, regulators, and partners gain access to a real-time stream of data for gaining insight and making informed decisions.

Who can add variety observations?


Our partners play an important role in creating solutions that have a positive impact. VarScout is owned by CGIAR and has been developed in collaboration with RESONANZ Group


CGIAR is a global research partnership for a food-secure future dedicated to transforming food, land, and water systems in a climate crisis.


RESONANZ Group develops innovative agricultural software to empower people with emerging technologies.

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